Saturday, October 28, 2006

Endless Fun.. (no pun intended)
I haven't been in EO a lot..I seem to only go on if the CO server is down. Oursavior, Diceroller, Whoops, Zzahra, Xiavi, and Blackharu have been enjoying the world of Conquer. But to show you what we've been doing here are some pics.
This is my fave pic. How cute is that?!? That's Sav and I in his new house. We had to relax cause we both had a rough day. Whoops and I were chillin and killin bandits. Oh!! we were fisting them for like a good hour. It was the funniest thing. Ok ..I while I was taking care of the monsters, Whoops was taking a nap.Today Diceroller went blacknamed and was thrown in jail.(means he pk'd too many people) Thane helped him get out but in a matter of minutes Dicey was back in jail.

People just wont stop pk'ing. It's so hilarious!!!(that's Dice in jail btw)Everything seemed to be going wrong for Dice today. He ended up in the middle of nowhere. LMAOAfter Sav politely (lol) told Dice to relog dice came back and found himself not only in the middle of nowhere but also stuck up a tree.

We'll miss you Dicey!!! LMFAO

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Total Ownage!!!

I haven't been in EO a lot... well that's because I've been having so much fun in CO. Sorry all!! It's been one adventure after another. If it's not the guys completely owning eachother it's them starting pk'ing wars. (it's been fun).. I got killed a couple of times for either being in Outcasts, but I think it's mostly for being Sav's wifey.

One of the funniest days recently was when Whoops and I decided to train at Sandmonsters. These things are like level 68, and both Whoops and I are way below that. (ok me not so much and he's catching up rather quickly). We both must have died like 30 times. It was so freaking funny. I was laughing so bad that I kept dying. Well anyways here are some pics to prove it.
This is us staring out. Yeah we're so tough!!
....and we died....

We so thought we had this one..... but we died.

That day was too funny. I couldn't stop laughing. I'm sure there's plenty more fun days to come since we're all growing in level and soon will be able to own the best of them.

Kya made me a new character. Katiri is a level 34 Troj. She dosen't kick ass yet but she will soon. I'm a level 63 now, and omg I cant wait to be at least 75.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

EO - V 26 is out!!

After months of waiting v26 is out, and it's totaly HOT! hehe I'm so enjoying myself. Everything (almost) is so new. The quests are great, cause even if you have absolutely nothing to do you could do that. The clothes are so smexy! I love em... ty Vult! I'm sure you made a lot of girls happy with those... hold on! The boys are definatelly enjoing them too!
Sav and I traveling to a distant desert on a quest to find some book or something (haven't finished it yet). If only you could see what I'm sreaming out..."I'm the queen of the world!!!"This is me running for my dear life, and I did die very quickly after that.
This one is a funny one. Raronken and I were sitting on the bridge (trying to cause a traffic jam) when some guy walked into me and started blowing hearts and making noises. So I told him his d*ck is too small, so he stormed off, but some other guy started lecturing us on how only 5 " matter..0.0 Well I haven't had such a good laugh in a while.

CO - Too much fun

The thing I love about CO is that it's a different sort of fun from EO. Many things are the same like the guilds, marriages, and sometimes the drama, but what is different is that there's pk, and when someone helps you level it does not influence their experience at all. So players are much more willing to help one another.

Today I had fun. I leveled to 56. Finally!! I thought it would never happen. By tomorrow morning I plan to be 57 (cause then I can get my new outfit). Kya "upscalled" my bow, so now it's super hot. Kya was helping me yesterday for most of the time I was in CO, we were killing bandits cause I need to earn some money. He kicks ass! Kya you're awesome, thank you again.
Diceroller got in some trouble today. High level players were accusing him of murder! He had some level 119 Archer scraming at him. Awww poor Dicey =( ...always taking the blame. Let's just say is in deep and I mean DEEP doodooo!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

To people that got a little upset...

I put my eo experineces up, things that either made me smile, laugh, or get angry. I don't have to answer to anyone, and especially to what I can and can not post. My opinions, my experiences, my blog.

I can't control what people say to one another. I have said it many times that lies come up. I don't deny anything, and if someone asks me I tell them the truth (although sometimes I'm a little blunt).

Call me a bitch.... that probably I am, but I'm definatelly NOT a home-wrecker. I never denied the past...what would be the point?

Take it as it is... I'm so sick of the bullshit that EO has become. There's nothing more but drama and pointless bickering. I frankly don't care anymore. My friend list is now like 12, and more and more I'm finding reasons (liers) not to come back. Yesterday in CO a friend asked me if CO will ever become my full-time home, and yesterday I said I don't know... Today my answer is "Very Fucking Soon!" (I want to give v.26 a

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A walk down memory lane...

We'll my last couple of days have been shit! Thanks to Josh, Zzahra, and Llaw for being there for me. It means a lot when there's someone there to listen. I didn't realize how much I actually needed it. Friends who I thought would be there for me when I needed them turned out to not give a shit...oh well =( ... makes me so sad but at least I know now that they don't care.

So to cheer myself up I went through about 900 screenies (that's only bout half the screenies I have...I got lazy, and besides these are the only have 900 of Kat). So here they are...

Some of them are hilarious so look at them closely,

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Merge?

Well no not really, but it is like it anyways. Has no one else noticed that SAV men are married to TMG women? I think it's too HOT!! We got Raronken and Zzahra, Highlands and Bellajar, and we got me and Oursavior (I have an alt in TMG, so I still count..hehe). Too freakn cute!!!

Something even cuter? High and Bella. My baby bro finally tied the knot with someone I like. Bella is too awesome. Love ya girl!!! (and yay...I have a baby sister in law).

P.S. I know some of you retards have nothing better to do but start rummors, so I'll say it once again cause you seem to be unable to understand a simple idea. Stay the fuck away from peoples lives, don't stick your noses where they don't belong, and try to be happy for people.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Conquer Online

Since so many of you enjoyed the pics from CO, I thought I'd show a few more.

That's Sav with his special ability to become a robot. As a Trojan you get to have a powerful robot which you can level.

There's my special ability. I as an Archor get to fly. At level 107 I get wings, I seriously cant wait. lol

We were invited to Kya's house (yes you are able to own houses and buy furniture for it). This is Dicey and I chillin in the tub. (Ok, ok, Dice, Sav, Kya, and Corrupt were in hiding cause they pk'd like 4 different guilds, and had to leave our guild before Pytheas (leader, and awesome guy) and Ket find out, because the 2 of them are going to completely own the four of them)

That's us all chillin on the bed at Kya's house. I'm underneith everyone and Corrupt didn't want to join in so she sat besied. On the bed we have Kya (in white hair), Sav(black hair), Dicey (purple hair), and I'm actually underneith Sav's and Dicey's legs.Well this one I'm putting in cause I thought it was cute.

Well good hunting to everyone, whether it is on EO, MS, CO, or any other game out there. I think more of you should join CO. It's seriously a blast.

P.S. I accidently pk'd someone today and O M G, I got killed so quickly it was funny. I got pk'd a couple of times. I'm finally able to kill things. And I'm level 40 now.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Yes, it's true. I'm cheating on EO. I finally downloaded Conquer Online and spent the day there with Oursavior and Diceroller. Honestly, I never thought I would enjoy it so much. Most of that I'd have to thank Sav for, but also Dicey and my new guild members. LOL... yes I joined Redemption (same guild as the boys are in). There is some awesome people in it, like Sgt. Kya (very very sweet).

Sav (through his incredable owning skills) leveled me last night to 32 (my level in eo is 25 btw). The monsters never stop coming it's awesome, but I'm still so weak. I'm an archer, so I have to level my bow too, and guess what? I get to fly!!! How awesome is that?(and yay... Sav and I got married again...It announces it to everyone in the game when someone gets married..hehe)
So here's a few screenies,

This is Sav coming back for me after I died (this might have been the time he "accidently" pk'd me, he says he was trying to kill I forgive. He only killed me The winged creature will be me at lvl hot does she look?This is Sav kicking the shit out of some Slow Apes. The first time I saw them I screamed at Sav for bringing me to such a horrific place, but I quickly learnt he could own them, so I only died like three times (the reason for that being that I was trying to help).This is at the end of the night. Both Sav and I were tired, so we just chilled out for a bit.

I still will play EO, but maybe not as much. I still have many good friends that I can't say goodbye to. And I will keep my blog up, why the hell not? \

Have fun all, Kat

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Day in the Life of a Girl

I don't know if guys get this too, but shit like this always makes me laugh. sweet! Yet he dosen't know me. Just randomly stoped me. (btw he was 14, I embarassed him a little when I told him how old I was...hehe)Seriously, my day was getting better. I ran away from this one. He chased me all through Aevan, and I finally lost him in hell. (shhhh I think he died)This kid is for real scary!! He was stalking me for a few days. Always something dirty to say. I really wanted to wash his mouth out with soap. Ah well.

Girls get this all the time. If it's not one thing it's another. Cool off boys!!! It's so unattractive and such a turn off when you're chasing a girl telling her you want to fuck her. In situations just find yourselfs a goat!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

On the lighter side

I've been having a lot of fun when I come to eo. I think it's because I'm not on a lot and I'm spending time with people I like. I thought I'd share with you some pictures that I've taken recently (I was looking at my screenies and I thought these were funny, I wish I could share some other ones with you all but that would not be allowed...hehe).

Raronken let me play with his Fladdat (I think that's how you spell it) ...Oh did I ever have fun with it. Seriously, this I don't remember, and if I were being a bitch...well there was probably a good reason. Shhhhh.... I did say probably!!!

LOL!! This pic dosen't need an explanation. I was
shocked that a panda would say that to me!!! 0.0

OK...I'll explain this one. If you've ever been to hell with me you know it's close to impossible to get me to apo. I've never seen someone die so much. Oursavior was my "protector" and got me to apo a bunch of times. Thank you!!! I honestly couldn't have made it without you.

Other then that...

I still haven't leveled, nothing new there. I'm pissed that people are quiting. SAV is on top 50 with 9 people LMFAO!!

And if you missed it, Josh and I tied the knot yesterday. Beautiful ceremony aside from the usual annoying noobs. Zzahra was my maid of honor. Honeymoon? ...Still going on, maybe, I said maybe, I'll fill you in.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Do you have a life?

Recently I've been hearing that certain people are spreading rumors about me. I'm with this person, no that one, oh I'm a stripper (this one started a while back, but it has resurfaced), I'm this, I'm that....WOW!!! GET A FUCKING LIFE!!

I do love the attention, and I didn't know that I was so much of a threat to some people that they feel they need to make shit up. I understand some people have low selfesteem, but why take it out on someone else? I don't start rumors, so why is there so many floating around EO about me? I'm flattered....really, but enough is enough.

The truth is.... I'm single, almost poor...and I have a lot of friends (at least that's what I thought). I'm in EO maybe 2 hours a day. I've been in DNA, NsZ, RED, NE, HOJ, BIR, and now I'm in sAV (which I'm enjoying btw). I'm spending time in EO with people I like, and I talk to people I like. I don't waste my time anymore on people I'm not fond of. Point being....I'm finally having fun in don't hate!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Wow! So I haven't written anything in a while. Sorry bout that. I really don't think anyone reads this's ok..I'll write to myself.

I changed guilds again. I am now a proud member of SAV... hehe... We are 7, most of us are level 22 and up, and we find ourself on top 100 already. I love my rank!!! Princess (if you'd ask my parents that's how they would describe it too).

I leveled to 25.... wow...260k tnl...damn endless experience!

I'm not playing much, just a couple of hours after work, so not a hell of a lot happens to me. Most exciting thing was a fight I had with Highlands and that didn't last too long. (btw the ass is out of jail. He was thrown in there again...and I think he was in there for a couple of days this time).

V26 should be coming out soon. A couple of new things will be added amongs that new hairstyles.(btw I find this the most interesting part, although I really want a black version of the mystic outfit thing). You can try v26 on test.

That's about it.... EO has been kind of boring. Nothing too dramatic has happened and things have been really slow (I believe that's why people are drinking, well one of the reasons). I'm really hoping things will pick up really soon!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Thank you so much Anarky for speaking with Arvid and telling him what happened. Highlands was let out of jail about an hour after he was wrongly thrown in there.


PS. Anarky is a We'll all miss you when you move =(
Corrupt Admins

Well, anyone want to guess how pissed off I am? I'm furious!!! Highlands was jailed today. You ask why? Wolfdog told Teror that Highlands is a superspeeder. LOL Yeah right! I'm sure Christinawu and Midnightgirl (who already sold her account) had something to do with it too. I've seen personally the pm's that Christinawu and her friends sent to Highlands. Crazy stalker behaviour much? Holy shit!!! She even had an admin teleport High to her several times.

These people are all friends of Teror, so I'm sure Teror didn't have any trouble doing his friends a favour. If you are an admin you should NOT abuse your power. It's seriously sick. If this keeps happening people are gone keep quiting. There's too much shit going on now we don't need to add corrupt admins to the list.

Highlands needs to be let out of jail. He was put there because of someone's personal vendeta and not because he's a superspeeder. If you see admins let them know what happened, cause I know I will for sure.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Who is it?

Ok, Highlands got married to Highsbiash, but who is Highsbiash??? Rumors have it that it's Zzahra or Toxicbarbie?? I don't know if I believe that. I asked Zzahra and she assured me it's not her, and I believe her when she said that. That leaves Toxicbarbie. Well the only reason High would do that would be to piss me off. He knows how much I dislike the chick so I don't think he would do that. So who does this leave? If it's not Zzahra and it's not Toxicbarbie who is it then? Is it some random newb he's paying? (btw...she ran by me near stronghold yesterday, I tried to talk to her but she smiled and ran off)

So we come to this. I will offer 50k to the person who figures out who Highsbiash is. The trick.... You got to make her pm me. I want to know who this biash is!!!

The 2 Mil Mark!!!

Yesterday I passed 2 million experience!!! Yay...I kick butt!!! I know for some of you it's not much but let me have my shining moment!!! WOOT 2 MILLION!!!!! I ROCK!!!......ok I'm done.


We got a new leader today....Highlands.... Welcome bro!!!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

EO Fashions

I thought I'd do a light and fun topic rather then something that's probably on my mind. Since I started, the EO fashion trends have been different. The people who have been around EO for a while have usually developed their own taste in fashion (but once in a while they like to switch it up). The people who recently started EO usually start off wearing the Dragon Armor then graduate to what they see the older players wearing.

The most popular fashions for men....

1. Hero Plate (new)
2. Robes of Sanctum
3. Dark Robes
4. Suits

The most popular fashions for the ladies...

1. Hero Plate (new)
2. White Robes
3. Wardica Plate
4. Tennu

Walking around EO...well lets just say that's all I see. I want some sexy dark robes!!!! Something like the mystic (I think that's what it is...well the navy blue/fushia monstrosity), it would look too hot in black.

For now I will go with the most popular outfit there is in EO....and that is NAKED. Naked is fun, I feel free and relaxed from everyday restraints. I recommend everyone to go naked!!! ... and besides clothes are for newbs...

PS. I changed my colours (of the blog) tell me what you think...I don't know if I like it yet...but the browns got boring for I thought I'd give it a little bit of a face lift.


We've been doing great guys!!! With 12 members we are number 66 on top 100. ( I really don't care where we stand I'm just glad to have you guys with me..awwww...this is where I get mushy)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Life's Lessons

I don't know why I have never noticed this before (or maybe I have I just didn't pay attention), but people in EO are extremely rude (or maybe it's getting worse). People have absolutely no manners. It almost seems like they were raised by a pack of carn's.

I decided a couple of weeks ago that I will correct these social mistakes (or at least let them know they are making them). Here's a few things that I'm sure get on more then just my nerves.

U, U , U.....

Ok... This must be one of the most annoying things ever. When I see U or hey U, I cringe. There's a couple of things I do in this situation. (a) Ignore...I don't know who they are calling (evnethought they are chasing after me). (b) Explain to them that my name is not U, and if they are going to ask me a question they should address me by my name..or say excuse me. (this I only do if I have extra time on my hands).

Thank you?

Thank you is powerful. It says a lot in two simple words yet people seem to have lost the ability to use it. Recently when people ask me for gold I comply and give them some, but I've noticed that they don't say thank you anymore, just "can I have more?". So this is how I fixed this problem today. I killed a ghost at HH and it dropped like 37g. Some guy ran up to me and asked for it (he was recently hacked so I was gone give it to him). I picked up the 37g and dropped 100g. Instead of saying thank you he said can I have more. LOL...well...I explained to him that I would have given him a lot more if he would have only said thank you.(and I was...I was gone give him 5k) but since he was rude he was not gone get anymore.

I don't know about you all but I think that people should learn manners even if it is only in EO. Next time instead of ignoring them just let them know that being polite is important.

Level up's

Highlands: Level 25
Anarky: Level 31
Dimonddawn: Level 24

(and a hundred others...)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I Leveled

I got so excited that I leveled that I just had to stread the HH. Vanityx and Highlands helped me throughout the day to level. Thank you guys!!

Wow.... I love doing this when I level. I recommend the level streaking to be a part of everyone's leveling experience. Not only is it fun but it is also theraputic to your mind.

To my bro,

Thanks Highlands for always being there for me, no matter what. Thanks for calling me stupid, a*shole, skid mark, hoj, and the countless of other stuff you call me when I deserve it. Thanks for usually setting me back on the right path (and this happens a lot); thanks for defending me from anyone who would want to cause me harm.... And thanks for all the support you have given me since I've met you. You're the BEST BROTHER EVER!!! (you really need a medal or something) I love you pumpkin!!!


We are sister guilds.... We lend support to eachother.... We will be there for eachother...

Note: BIR has made it to Top 100 Guilds. WOOT!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

BIR: Birds of Prey

So, a little change has occured. Sittingbull and I have left HOJ and together created BIR, Birds of Prey. We wanted a challenge and we wanted to have the ability to create a guild from scratch, with our own ideas of how we'd like a guild to run. (HOJ is an amazing guild with extrordinary leadership...but it's like a bird who needs to learn to fly, Sittingbull and I just needed to spread our wings)

We welcome all the new members of BIR, and we hope your stay with us will be enjoyable.

So here's a few things about BIR:

- Rank depends on the level of the member.

1. Flight Leader
2. Eagle - Recruiter
3. Hawk - Level 9 and up
4. Falcon - Level 8
5. Night Owl - Level 7
6. Vulture - Level 6
7. Fallon - Level 5
8. Raven - Level 4
9. Hatchling - Level 3

Note: Becoming a recruiter is a privilege and not a right. Only members who are determined to be trustworthy will be granted the recruitment abilities.


NO Speeding, Hacking, Flaming, Begging, or Ks'ing (ks'ing is difficult to catch... but if you are hitting the monster at the are ks'ing. If you are being ks'd tell Sittingbull or myself.)

By avoiding the above, people could have fun and not worry about someone owning them because the have an unfair adventag. (We will kick anyone breaking these rules)

If there is any problem with BIR please speak directly to Sittingbull or myself, if any member of BIR is having problems with other members of guilds let us know.

Monday, August 21, 2006

HGN Forums

The HGN-Honorable Guild Network Forums are up. The moderators are Ephy, Espii, and Mansun. This is an awesome way to keep in touch with the the other members of HGN.

Please go and check it out. Participation is vital now. The more everyone participates the better EO will be. It will eliminate common problems (hopefully), and will make our gaming time better.

Note: Any problems about HOJ will be directly going to me or another HOJ leader. They will not be posted on HGN forums. I don't want anyone's reputation to be ruined because of a stupid post. If you have any problems please let me or another leader know.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Complete Mayhem

When I signed on this morning, I noticed our guild chat being spamed by useless junk, and people being called names. Who did this you ask... our new member....Cortezz. Within five minutes the "EO idiot" was kicked.

I want to know who recruited him. If I see him again he will be kicked again. Rumor has it that Cortezz has a alt in HOJ, so to fix this I demoted a couple of recruiters who I did not know. Here's the list...

Lordlife (Cort said this was his alt, I'm not gone take the chance that it's not)

(This is only a temporary solution. If any of the leaders want any people off that it)

I'm not gone have that little emo freak polluting HOJ.

What's Today?

Naked HOJ Friday...
Could we please get some more participation from our male members.

A Happy Wedding

Llaw did an awesome job with the editing. *applause*... I want more of these's great!!

(sorry it came out so huge...but it shows how big MY heart no...I messed up and I can't fix it)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

HOJ's Sexiest

Sweetabys is holding an event, HOJ's Sexiest Male. There will be three things the judges will look for:

1. Sexy Look
2. Strong Look
3. Most Oringinal Look

There will be three prizes awarded, 100k for first place, 50k for second place, and 20k for third place. The rank title will also be changed to HOJ's Sexiest for a month.

There will be three female judges,(they can not have a spouce in HOJ). So we have Sweetabys and myself (Katalla), and we are currently looking for a third judge.

*rubs hands together*...oooooo....this will be fun!

Cutest Couple

Silentscorpi and Terriegirl must seriously be the cutest couple in EO. They are extremely sweet, kind, and unbelievably friendly. You go guys! (and can count on me if you need me)

Level Up's

Chaoticlord - Level 21
Whoops - Level 18
Anarky - Level 28

Congrats you three! Awesome job! =)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

An Earful

A while back I wrote about certain "rules" that HOJ should follow. These rules were designed to make your time in EO and your gaming experience more friendly.

Recently, everytime I sign into EO I get an earful of complaints. We are not a huge guild, and we are all good people, but these complaints are not materializing our of thin air. After listening to these complaints I feel like I should remind you all of some of the rules mentioned.

NO Flaming - I understand that people get on your nerves, and there's past history, and past experiences but remember...YOUR ACTIONS REFLECT ONTO HOJ. If I hear anyone flaming people's families (this hasen't happened yet) you will be kicked. I, and I'm sure all other leaders, will not tolerate this. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anyting at all. If someone is getting on your nerves ignore them. (In the last week two people from my friend list made it to my ignore, making my ignore number 89, if I can ignore someone so can you. The ignore buttone is there for a reason, so use it) I don't want to hear that people are being harassed and attacked by HOJ members. If I see this I will be kicking people (eventhough they are my good friends).

Note: We all need to remember that there is a large population of EO'ers who are under the age of 16. Let's watch our language. If it's rude keep it to pm's.

KS'ing - I've been saying this for a while, don't ks unless someone has ks'd you first. Last week I got a complaint, so I decided to go under cover, and what do you know? I was ks'd by a HOJ. That person got their warning. Again, we are not push-overs, stick up for yourselfs.

P.S. I would like to know which one of you was trying to ks Hitokirib (for those of you who don't know yet that is my husband). We need to for sure have a talk.

Quote of the Day
(I have 2 today)

"You are my friend but if I would see you right now I'd kick your ass!" - Highlands

"-purr-" - Diceroller

New Stuff

Vanityx has made a new blog. She documents experience. Check it out it's pretty cool..and I'm gone add it to the links. Good job Vanity!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Long time no talk...

It's been a few days since I've written anything, but if time permits I will try to post more. I've hardly been in EO, so I feel like I'm majorly out of the loop, and it seems some interesting things have happened. (I wont get into them because I don't really know about them, and I don't want to say something wrong)

I've recently had a little fun...maybe it wasen't a great idea but I had fun and it made me smile... for a short time it seems. I am somehow now in trouble for playing with people's feelings. It was a joke (maybe in bad taste) but I am NOT going to appologize for it. It wasen't a huge deal. So I will ask everyone (if I know you or not), if you hear something about me come and ask me what happened and don't rely on other people's hear says.

On a more personal note, I would like to thank everyone who's been there for me. It means a lot. In situations like that you really know who is your friend because they sincerely care. I wont mention names (it would suck if I would forget someone).

P.S. Mrpringle kicks ass!!!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Friend Gone Sour

I'll get right to the point....

I've been friends with Cortezz since I was in NSZ (so like 5 months), and I always thought he was misunderstood and people just weren't giving him the chance that he deserved, (I even stuck up for him on more then one ocassion) but, Oh boy, did he ever change my mind.

I find Cortezz to be an immature attention grabbing wh*re. He is inconsiderate, hurtful, and full of animosity. He is bitter and hostile to people who like him, and he lashes out at people who are his friends.

I confided in him that my mother is in the hospital, and that she is quite ill, so he told me he wishes that my mother would die.

I have never in my life (no mater in real life or game) been hurt so much. I've never had anyone say something so painful to me.

So I'll say this...

As of this moment Cortezz no longer exists to me. I don't care what he says or does, he no longer matters. He is a waste of skin and he is a waste of my time.

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Glitch!?!?!.....just kidding

A day in EO is never the same. Something exciting always happens....and today was just one of those days.

It all started at HH, with Cortezz the Pervezz stacking everything in sight (at that point me), but soon after Gmart and Oursavior joined in. The situation quickly escalated to a very fearfull game....dun dun dun....truth or dare. Gmart quickly took adventage and dared me to go bald. I'm not the kind of girl to back down from a dare so I bravely accepted. Gmart and Sweetabys quickly joined in the fun and accepted my faith of being bald. (I wasted 10k at the hairdressers today)

You ask who is in the picture?....Well from the top is me, Sweetabys, Highlands, Gmart, Chaoticlord(my son), Reashi(my daughter), and Zzahra.


I hope that you get all you asked for.


Level Up's

Sittingbull has leveled to level 20. Congrats!!!

Highlands has leveled to level 23. Woot!!

Quote of the Day

"What's the limit of how many pain killers you can take in a day?" - Diceroller

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What's for dinner?

Last couple of days have been filled with constant chaos. Emotions are flying high, and it's hard to keep focused. Friends are braking up or leaving and the only people who are affected are the ones they leave behind. I'm not going further into all of this... a few of you know what I'm talking about, some of you want to, and most of you don't give a flying f**k.

EO has been exciting for me (and mostly bad or annoying in some sort of way). I'm looking for some quiet time. I hope eventually things will work themselves out. They have to ... they always do.

Note: Sorry about the depressing post...Matches my mood recently.

If you see my son, Chaoticlord, please tell him to grow some hair...mommy dosen't like her son being bald.

Level Up's/Top 100

Xaradas - Leveled to 14
Vanityx - Has made the Top 100, Congrats!!
Me - I levled to 23...finally..

P.S. If I'm missing anyone let me know...

Quote of the Day

"The only thing endless in EO is the tnl" - Diceroller

Friday, August 04, 2006

Naked HOJ Friday

Last night (after midnight for me) "Naked HOJ Friday" began. It started very innocently with a few girls getting naked (Cellardoor, Sweetabys, and I) and it eventually became not only "Naked HOJ Friday" but story time as well. I could tell, you all are wondering what kind of stories were told, well let me just tell you this.... They were not clean. I heard a wonderful story about a police officer pulling over a innocent lady....and because I'm trying to keep this PG I'll stop there (any of you who's imaginaton dosen't suck can pretty much decipher the rest). There was also mention of babysitters, dirty neighbour men, nurses (that's one of my faves), whips, chains, and chiffon lace. Thank you to Rolad and Sweetabys for the great stories. (Rolad was the clean one, his shiny helmet prevented dirty thought).

Wedding Bliss

Congratulations to Sweetabys and Bongman on their marriage!

And congratulations to Reashi and Highlands (marriage #3). Hope the third time is a charm.

Level up's

YAY!!! Llaw leveled to 23! Good job babe!!!!

Quote of the Day

"They say you can't turn a bad girl good, but once a good girl goes bad, she's gone forever." -Diceroller

Note: I'm still loving these random coments.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Do we love them or do we hate them? I could say that I love them but with the same breath....errr.... I'll say I hate them. To tell you all honestly I have a few alts, and I use them so I can get a little time off. Most of you I tell when I'm on my alts, so it's not a huge secret, but some of my alts are just kept strictly for me.

Little Tidbits

Placidrage has been thrown in jail. I don't believe he is in there for a good enough reason, and I think he should be let out. AFK training??? Who dosen't do that? Let's find the key and let the shit disturber out.

Top 50 experience can be found on Nezlo's Blog http:// I believe the top 50 is put together by Deb. It's pretty cool, take a look at it.

Level Increase/Top 100

Xansharecin has level to level 15. Awesome hon!!! Good job!

Sittingbull has made it to top 100. Congratulations!!! You know that soon you'll be passing me..

Quote of the Day

"When a friend is lost out of hate it matters little, but if a friend is lost out of love it's worse then a break-up, and shatters" - one of mine

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A change at HH?

I got really confused the other day when a level 6 person was trying to ks me at HH. I just didn't understand utill I found out that HH now allows people who are level 5 and up. I don't like this change one bit. We need areas where higher levels are allowed, cause I'm sick of feeling sorry for lower levels who can't get a kill (this is why I don't train at carns anymore).

People who are higher levels should have some kind of benefits (considering they have spent a lot of time training). They should have areas where they are able to train without getting bothered. Make something more elite for them....let that be a reward!!!

They leveled!!!

Congrats to Cspar who leveled to 17, and to Rolad who leveled to 13. Good job you two (now stop celebrating and get off your coloured pillows... the chiffon is getting wrinkled).

Quote of the Day

"Me and my soilders don't die, we just go back to hell and regroup" - Diceroller

Note: Dice, I love the randomness of your comments!!! They always brighted my day, and always come at a time when I need a little cheering up.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Little Bit of Drama...

Well, did my day start of horribly or what? Someone approached me today and told my a few things about my husband... and trust me none of them were good. I, like any wife would do, confronted Llaw about the things I was hearing. (I'm not gone mention any of the things I heard beacause I'm not dishing out my dirty laundry for everyone to examine) We argued... a lot. We both let our emotions take over and things go a little heated.

And yes, Llaw did divorce me....

We eventually got to talking (by a little bit of added pressure from Debstar, Berdy, and Amayax... more about them later on)....and ran away to Ancient City, where after a lot of talking we were able to work things out.

So I am happy to announce that Llaw and I remarried and are now hopefully on the right track.

We are sorry we didn't invite anyone, but we just wanted a quiet ceremony. This second time around was more emotional and we just wanted to share the moment together.

For our honeymoon we decided to go horse back riding. We both enjoy riding bareback (no pun intended) so we thought that this would be an appropriate vacation for us both.

Another Wedding???

Congratulations to Highlands and Reashi who also for the second time tied the knot. Trust me when I say that we are extatic that the two of you have been able to work it out.

Note: I would like to thank Debstar, Berdy, and Amayax. The three of you were very helpful and seemed genuinely concerned for our well being. I was more then shocked that Deb and Berdy would even care (especially since our past has been crossed and splattered with many clashes), but if in the recent couple of weeks my mind wasen't changed about you two it's definitely changed now. I think that they seriously like to help and actually care about the other players. I'm glad they were there for me and Llaw.