Friday, August 18, 2006

Complete Mayhem

When I signed on this morning, I noticed our guild chat being spamed by useless junk, and people being called names. Who did this you ask... our new member....Cortezz. Within five minutes the "EO idiot" was kicked.

I want to know who recruited him. If I see him again he will be kicked again. Rumor has it that Cortezz has a alt in HOJ, so to fix this I demoted a couple of recruiters who I did not know. Here's the list...

Lordlife (Cort said this was his alt, I'm not gone take the chance that it's not)

(This is only a temporary solution. If any of the leaders want any people off that it)

I'm not gone have that little emo freak polluting HOJ.

What's Today?

Naked HOJ Friday...
Could we please get some more participation from our male members.

A Happy Wedding

Llaw did an awesome job with the editing. *applause*... I want more of these's great!!

(sorry it came out so huge...but it shows how big MY heart no...I messed up and I can't fix it)

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