Friday, September 01, 2006

Who is it?

Ok, Highlands got married to Highsbiash, but who is Highsbiash??? Rumors have it that it's Zzahra or Toxicbarbie?? I don't know if I believe that. I asked Zzahra and she assured me it's not her, and I believe her when she said that. That leaves Toxicbarbie. Well the only reason High would do that would be to piss me off. He knows how much I dislike the chick so I don't think he would do that. So who does this leave? If it's not Zzahra and it's not Toxicbarbie who is it then? Is it some random newb he's paying? (btw...she ran by me near stronghold yesterday, I tried to talk to her but she smiled and ran off)

So we come to this. I will offer 50k to the person who figures out who Highsbiash is. The trick.... You got to make her pm me. I want to know who this biash is!!!

The 2 Mil Mark!!!

Yesterday I passed 2 million experience!!! Yay...I kick butt!!! I know for some of you it's not much but let me have my shining moment!!! WOOT 2 MILLION!!!!! I ROCK!!!......ok I'm done.


We got a new leader today....Highlands.... Welcome bro!!!


Anonymous said...

if i were a betting man, and im not...i would guess that diamonddawn is highsbiash =o. kat, when i come on eo again i will help you investigate. xD love SBull.

katalla said...


Anonymous said...

well since i cant sign in on my blogger act for some reason i guess its anonymous for me from now highbiash....he married me......llaw...jk lol