I don't know if guys get this too, but shit like this always makes me laugh.
Awww...how sweet! Yet he dosen't know me. Just randomly stoped me. (btw he was 14, I embarassed him a little when I told him how old I was...hehe)Seriously, my day was getting better. I ran away from this one. He chased me all through Aevan, and I finally lost him in hell. (shhhh I think he died)
This kid is for real scary!! He was stalking me for a few days. Always something dirty to say. I really wanted to wash his mouth out with soap. Ah well.
Girls get this all the time. If it's not one thing it's another. Cool off boys!!! It's so unattractive and such a turn off when you're chasing a girl telling her you want to fuck her. In situations just find yourselfs a goat!!
lol yes it happens to guys too. Now the wierd thing is that a disturbingly large number of girl chars are made by guys. On my encounters the random girl chars that ask me to be their bf dont keep stalking, they just ask the guy next to me.
lol Bella <333
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