Tuesday, August 22, 2006

BIR: Birds of Prey

So, a little change has occured. Sittingbull and I have left HOJ and together created BIR, Birds of Prey. We wanted a challenge and we wanted to have the ability to create a guild from scratch, with our own ideas of how we'd like a guild to run. (HOJ is an amazing guild with extrordinary leadership...but it's like a bird who needs to learn to fly, Sittingbull and I just needed to spread our wings)

We welcome all the new members of BIR, and we hope your stay with us will be enjoyable.

So here's a few things about BIR:

- Rank depends on the level of the member.

1. Flight Leader
2. Eagle - Recruiter
3. Hawk - Level 9 and up
4. Falcon - Level 8
5. Night Owl - Level 7
6. Vulture - Level 6
7. Fallon - Level 5
8. Raven - Level 4
9. Hatchling - Level 3

Note: Becoming a recruiter is a privilege and not a right. Only members who are determined to be trustworthy will be granted the recruitment abilities.


NO Speeding, Hacking, Flaming, Begging, or Ks'ing (ks'ing is difficult to catch... but if you are hitting the monster at the end..you are ks'ing. If you are being ks'd tell Sittingbull or myself.)

By avoiding the above, people could have fun and not worry about someone owning them because the have an unfair adventag. (We will kick anyone breaking these rules)

If there is any problem with BIR please speak directly to Sittingbull or myself, if any member of BIR is having problems with other members of guilds let us know.

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