Thursday, August 03, 2006


Do we love them or do we hate them? I could say that I love them but with the same breath....errr.... I'll say I hate them. To tell you all honestly I have a few alts, and I use them so I can get a little time off. Most of you I tell when I'm on my alts, so it's not a huge secret, but some of my alts are just kept strictly for me.

Little Tidbits

Placidrage has been thrown in jail. I don't believe he is in there for a good enough reason, and I think he should be let out. AFK training??? Who dosen't do that? Let's find the key and let the shit disturber out.

Top 50 experience can be found on Nezlo's Blog http:// I believe the top 50 is put together by Deb. It's pretty cool, take a look at it.

Level Increase/Top 100

Xansharecin has level to level 15. Awesome hon!!! Good job!

Sittingbull has made it to top 100. Congratulations!!! You know that soon you'll be passing me..

Quote of the Day

"When a friend is lost out of hate it matters little, but if a friend is lost out of love it's worse then a break-up, and shatters" - one of mine

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