Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Ignore Button

It's official!!! Putting people on ignore has now become a game. Sittingbull and I spent about an hour last night looking at global and ignoring spamers. I don't think they understand that people can easily put them on ignore, and no one wants to see "14 GOLEM STONES FOR 3K", a hundred times. At the beginning, when people were just developing their spamming skills, it was fun. Cortezz use to spam me with the most pointless things ex. LOLICOPTER, and I know he's done it to at least 100 other people, but the difference between that and global spaming is that Cort's spaming was funny and the spams on global are just really annoying. My ignore went up to 68! But I guess you can't stop attention sluts.

Green People

What's with everyone making Green alts? Such ugly little suckers!!!*cough*Cspar/Llaw*cough* With the two of them being so green....I'm kind of scared. I keep having dreams of little green men/women at the foot of my bed...ahhhh!!!! What does the color green stand for anyways?


Anonymous said...

Hey this is Reashi! BTW me and high made green alts named Teamorea and Teamohigh xD Maybe we will marry them some day ^^

katalla said...

LMAO....not u too!!!

Anonymous said...

u know u love me green or otherwise...llaw

katalla said...

...hehe...yeah I love it when you're green...come to think of it... I love it when you're... nvm...too much info

Anonymous said...

Huh...so if there are green ppl at the foot of your bed..then u let green ppl into your bedroom.....interesting........I think u have a subconcious attraction to martians...

Anonymous said...

lol green people rule......luv ya guys...and i cant read who got jailed btw....llaw

katalla said...

It was Midnightgirl.

Anonymous said...

lol really.....oops maybe it isnt funny...wait yes it is lmao....llaw

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.