I'm going back to this because people are not understanding.
If you're lvl 1-3 you should not be at carns! Oh! And stop begging people to train you.
Ok, I don't mind helping, I don't mind grouping, but usually if I'm in a group of three no one want's to make it a group of four. Yesterday I had a couple of situations where I or someone I was grouped with was called a meanie for not training someone. When I or a group memeber said anything back the person retaliated with a bucket load of swear words.
Green People continued...
One thing I didn't realize is that life as an orc is tough. I was called a monster, I was told to die, and people ran away from me screaming.
One funny thing about this is that some of the new comers to EO believe that there is a war between orcs and humans. Supposedly there was a war in the newb village. The "Orc King" and the "Orc Prince" were quite the menace (who are these characters that have installed fear in the new comers?). The orc forces and the human forces collected and fought. I'm so sad I missed it. It would have been a sight to see.
Quote of the Day
"You're lucky you're cute" - JC
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