A Few Things...
So I've noticed that some people just like to say shit (if you don't like swearing stop reading now), for no apparent reason. I'm so sick of the bull shit.... PLEASE STOP MAKING UP RANDOM RUMORS!!!!!.
To those of you who make hell for other people screw off, we don't need your pointless nonsence! And for those of you who have or have ever tried to make me leave HOJ... I laugh... and say f**k you!.... That wont happen! It dosen't matter what any of you say or ever will... HOJ is my family now... I'm staying, and besides my heart is in HOJ.
On a good note:
Sittingbull leveled to level 19 and Highlands leveled to level 22! Congratulations to you both!! Keep it up!!!
Highlands has come back to HOJ. We're all glad to have him back, but if he ever pulls something like that again I will kill him myself, and that's coming streight from the heart.
Ronumaru (NSZ) and Pixlphantasy (RED) got hitched.... Happy Honeymooning to the happy couple!!! (I still love RED/NSZ....they were my family first and they always will be)
Quote of the Day
"ya wanna make out" - Placidrage (btw how many girls have heard that line?)
Monday, July 31, 2006
A Loss
Highlands has left HOJ. I still don't think the reason he gave me is good enough, but I can't force him or anyone to stay. Thank you High for letting me know that you were leaving and not keeping me in the dark about your decision.
Sorry all I haven't updated recently; I've been at the beach getting a nice tan for the last two days. For the next two days I'm going to be on and off, but I'll try to update here more.
I've been getting a few complaints about some of you, and I'll be talking to you when I see you next. Thank you to the leaders/memebers of the Guild Network who have followed the HOJ rule and gave their concers to the HOJ leaders and not directly to the member. We like to know what's going on.
Highlands has left HOJ. I still don't think the reason he gave me is good enough, but I can't force him or anyone to stay. Thank you High for letting me know that you were leaving and not keeping me in the dark about your decision.
Sorry all I haven't updated recently; I've been at the beach getting a nice tan for the last two days. For the next two days I'm going to be on and off, but I'll try to update here more.
I've been getting a few complaints about some of you, and I'll be talking to you when I see you next. Thank you to the leaders/memebers of the Guild Network who have followed the HOJ rule and gave their concers to the HOJ leaders and not directly to the member. We like to know what's going on.
Friday, July 28, 2006
We joined the Guild Network
As of yesterday we are part of the Guild Network. So far a name has not been given, but will soon be coming. Some possible names are HGN - Honorable Guild Network or UGN - United Guild Network. I personally think that GN - Guild Network would be nice and short and perfectly self explanitory.
The other guild that are part of the "GN"(hehe) are:
ROX, VVV, PGD, GRS, NC, MNM, RA, and HOJ. (RED and ART are still undicided)
The HOJ rules:
Because we are now joined under "GN", there are a few things we all must pay attention to.
1. NO Tsearch (you all know what it is ... I'm not gone explain it again)
2. Be civil to other players.
3. When it comes to ks'ing ... if someone is doing it to you, you do it right back. We are not push-overs, and we would never expect any of you to be push-overs. If you don't think it's worth it then walk away (and let one of the leaders know).
4. If any other guild has a problem with a HOJ member they should come and speak to one of the leaders. We don't want any of our HOJ members harassed in any way. If action will be taken it will be taken by a HOJ leader. (You're our babies and we love you, so if any of you need a spanking we will be the one's administering it. Be careful....I took out my whip)
5. If any HOJ member has a problem with any other guild... let one of the HOJ leaders know.
Note: We are not doing this for popularity, we are doing this so EO could be a player friendly game. There's too much BS going on and it makes good people quit. By the way we hate to put any restrictions on any of you, but if this is gone work then it has to be done.
So the idea behind anti-kill is simple...hehe.... if a player wants to die you wont let them. I know it seams a bit mean and maybe a little exessive, but I don't like when people die. When Llaw wanted to die today, I wouldn't let a ghost come near him, so he had to go to the other side of HH to die. I do it out of love!!!!
Well anyways...the idea is catching on!!! I've seen a couple carring people who wouldn't let others die.
Naked HOJ Fridays
We, the members of HOJ, proclaim every friday as "Naked HOJ Friday". We swear to spend most fridays in our tidy whities. Any and all are welcome to join this new, yet very, very exciting tradition!
Note: Fairy Hat Day will be coming soon. This holiday is designed in honour of Llaw, who absolutely loves fairy hats.
Quote of the Day
"Interesting good, or interesting bad?" - Llaw
As of yesterday we are part of the Guild Network. So far a name has not been given, but will soon be coming. Some possible names are HGN - Honorable Guild Network or UGN - United Guild Network. I personally think that GN - Guild Network would be nice and short and perfectly self explanitory.
The other guild that are part of the "GN"(hehe) are:
ROX, VVV, PGD, GRS, NC, MNM, RA, and HOJ. (RED and ART are still undicided)
The HOJ rules:
Because we are now joined under "GN", there are a few things we all must pay attention to.
1. NO Tsearch (you all know what it is ... I'm not gone explain it again)
2. Be civil to other players.
3. When it comes to ks'ing ... if someone is doing it to you, you do it right back. We are not push-overs, and we would never expect any of you to be push-overs. If you don't think it's worth it then walk away (and let one of the leaders know).
4. If any other guild has a problem with a HOJ member they should come and speak to one of the leaders. We don't want any of our HOJ members harassed in any way. If action will be taken it will be taken by a HOJ leader. (You're our babies and we love you, so if any of you need a spanking we will be the one's administering it. Be careful....I took out my whip)
5. If any HOJ member has a problem with any other guild... let one of the HOJ leaders know.
Note: We are not doing this for popularity, we are doing this so EO could be a player friendly game. There's too much BS going on and it makes good people quit. By the way we hate to put any restrictions on any of you, but if this is gone work then it has to be done.
So the idea behind anti-kill is simple...hehe.... if a player wants to die you wont let them. I know it seams a bit mean and maybe a little exessive, but I don't like when people die. When Llaw wanted to die today, I wouldn't let a ghost come near him, so he had to go to the other side of HH to die. I do it out of love!!!!
Well anyways...the idea is catching on!!! I've seen a couple carring people who wouldn't let others die.
Naked HOJ Fridays
We, the members of HOJ, proclaim every friday as "Naked HOJ Friday". We swear to spend most fridays in our tidy whities. Any and all are welcome to join this new, yet very, very exciting tradition!
Note: Fairy Hat Day will be coming soon. This holiday is designed in honour of Llaw, who absolutely loves fairy hats.
Quote of the Day
"Interesting good, or interesting bad?" - Llaw
Beware all...
These are the most annoying Eo'ers I have ever met, and amazingly I have met them all in the last two days. They don't understand the word NO, and they just stand there and hit you for minutes at a time. One of them is on ignore cause he got too mouthy, and frankly I'm not gone listen to some moron making dumb remarks.
If you see the following just stay away, or put them on ignore right away. Please save yourselves the time... (unless you want to have a silly war...cause those are always fun)
Dizjokerkid - ignored
Also, when I was at HH today Goody(MNM) tried to kill me while a ghost was infront of me by trading me. Stuff like that just make me laugh cause it's RETARDED!!!
These are the most annoying Eo'ers I have ever met, and amazingly I have met them all in the last two days. They don't understand the word NO, and they just stand there and hit you for minutes at a time. One of them is on ignore cause he got too mouthy, and frankly I'm not gone listen to some moron making dumb remarks.
If you see the following just stay away, or put them on ignore right away. Please save yourselves the time... (unless you want to have a silly war...cause those are always fun)
Dizjokerkid - ignored
Also, when I was at HH today Goody(MNM) tried to kill me while a ghost was infront of me by trading me. Stuff like that just make me laugh cause it's RETARDED!!!
And Again?
I'm going back to this because people are not understanding.
If you're lvl 1-3 you should not be at carns! Oh! And stop begging people to train you.
Ok, I don't mind helping, I don't mind grouping, but usually if I'm in a group of three no one want's to make it a group of four. Yesterday I had a couple of situations where I or someone I was grouped with was called a meanie for not training someone. When I or a group memeber said anything back the person retaliated with a bucket load of swear words.
Green People continued...
I broke. *hangs head in shame* I made a green alt. *puts away the Raid*
One thing I didn't realize is that life as an orc is tough. I was called a monster, I was told to die, and people ran away from me screaming.
One funny thing about this is that some of the new comers to EO believe that there is a war between orcs and humans. Supposedly there was a war in the newb village. The "Orc King" and the "Orc Prince" were quite the menace (who are these characters that have installed fear in the new comers?). The orc forces and the human forces collected and fought. I'm so sad I missed it. It would have been a sight to see.
Quote of the Day
"You're lucky you're cute" - JC
I'm going back to this because people are not understanding.
If you're lvl 1-3 you should not be at carns! Oh! And stop begging people to train you.
Ok, I don't mind helping, I don't mind grouping, but usually if I'm in a group of three no one want's to make it a group of four. Yesterday I had a couple of situations where I or someone I was grouped with was called a meanie for not training someone. When I or a group memeber said anything back the person retaliated with a bucket load of swear words.
Green People continued...
One thing I didn't realize is that life as an orc is tough. I was called a monster, I was told to die, and people ran away from me screaming.
One funny thing about this is that some of the new comers to EO believe that there is a war between orcs and humans. Supposedly there was a war in the newb village. The "Orc King" and the "Orc Prince" were quite the menace (who are these characters that have installed fear in the new comers?). The orc forces and the human forces collected and fought. I'm so sad I missed it. It would have been a sight to see.
Quote of the Day
"You're lucky you're cute" - JC
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Cortezz the Pervezz
Everyone knows, or at least has heard of Cortezz, and if you haven't then dig yourself out of your hole. He's the Notorious Cort... the one and only.... He could make you regret you've ever crawled out of bed and signed into EO, or just as easily he could put a smile on your face (cause although he dosen't want to admit it, Cort is a sweetheart). Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can catch him in one of his glorious moods, and you are able to experience the "Slave Master"...

Everyone knows, or at least has heard of Cortezz, and if you haven't then dig yourself out of your hole. He's the Notorious Cort... the one and only.... He could make you regret you've ever crawled out of bed and signed into EO, or just as easily he could put a smile on your face (cause although he dosen't want to admit it, Cort is a sweetheart). Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can catch him in one of his glorious moods, and you are able to experience the "Slave Master"...
The pictures explain it all. Although the cybering was only one sided.
Thanks Zzahra for the title idea. heheh
Green People Continued
It's and infestation!!!! Someone pass me some Raid! Rolad, High, and Reashi all made green people, and I think that Cinn made one too, but my fears have not been confirmed.
Quote of the Day
"You may not ks but you being here causes ks." -anonymous
Note: The person who said this to me has requested that his/her name will not be used.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Admin Mania....
Today was a little nuts!!! Arvid started jailing people and I believe the final number was 13. One of the poor unfortunate souls was a good friend to many of us.
We hope you get out soon!!!
Today was a little nuts!!! Arvid started jailing people and I believe the final number was 13. One of the poor unfortunate souls was a good friend to many of us.
We hope you get out soon!!!
It was a good day of training for me today. I gained 25k exp in like 4.5hrs. I was at HH alone for a large chunk of it. At one point I died and when I came back I was almost owned.
Guild Networking
So Espii had a great idea of Guild Networking. This has been done before. When I was in RED we had sort of a partnership with ROX. Let me explain further...
What is Guild Networking?
Guild Networking is a partnership of guilds that watch eachothers backs and make sure that the values of the guilds are being followed. We're a good bunch. HOJ has good values and and the members are civil to other players. This is more if we have a problem with other guilds.
How does Guild Networking work?
It's quite simple. If you see someone form the Guild Networking group speeding, ks'ing, spaming, flaming, or doing anything else that is not a value of the specific guild you tell one of your leaders. That leader then takes action. Whether it's talking to the player or going directly to the leader.
This will hopefully eliminate most of the drama between players. I don't mind taking this on, in fact I'd like to take this on. I'm close with most of the leaders involved in the Guild Network so it is not a problem dealing with any of them.
Who else is involved in the Guild Network?
We have been asked to join about a week ago because HOJ has a good reputation, and joining the Guild Network would only highten that. I would like to give Espii an answer soon, so let me know what you all think. (good or bad).
P.S. On the right side of the blog I have attached some links to other blogs. Check them out!
So Espii had a great idea of Guild Networking. This has been done before. When I was in RED we had sort of a partnership with ROX. Let me explain further...
What is Guild Networking?
Guild Networking is a partnership of guilds that watch eachothers backs and make sure that the values of the guilds are being followed. We're a good bunch. HOJ has good values and and the members are civil to other players. This is more if we have a problem with other guilds.
How does Guild Networking work?
It's quite simple. If you see someone form the Guild Networking group speeding, ks'ing, spaming, flaming, or doing anything else that is not a value of the specific guild you tell one of your leaders. That leader then takes action. Whether it's talking to the player or going directly to the leader.
This will hopefully eliminate most of the drama between players. I don't mind taking this on, in fact I'd like to take this on. I'm close with most of the leaders involved in the Guild Network so it is not a problem dealing with any of them.
Who else is involved in the Guild Network?
We have been asked to join about a week ago because HOJ has a good reputation, and joining the Guild Network would only highten that. I would like to give Espii an answer soon, so let me know what you all think. (good or bad).
P.S. On the right side of the blog I have attached some links to other blogs. Check them out!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
New Fun!!!
I found my new favourite past time. Keeping people alive. Everyone is always so mad that people are killing them...well I think the new trend is keeping them alive. MUHAHAHA
There is High running away...trying to find a ghost that will kill him, but unfortunatelly his dream wouldn't come true. How sad.....(muhahahahah)
I found my new favourite past time. Keeping people alive. Everyone is always so mad that people are killing them...well I think the new trend is keeping them alive. MUHAHAHA
Sorry High...but this was just too funny!!
The Ignore Button
It's official!!! Putting people on ignore has now become a game. Sittingbull and I spent about an hour last night looking at global and ignoring spamers. I don't think they understand that people can easily put them on ignore, and no one wants to see "14 GOLEM STONES FOR 3K", a hundred times. At the beginning, when people were just developing their spamming skills, it was fun. Cortezz use to spam me with the most pointless things ex. LOLICOPTER, and I know he's done it to at least 100 other people, but the difference between that and global spaming is that Cort's spaming was funny and the spams on global are just really annoying. My ignore went up to 68! But I guess you can't stop attention sluts.
Green People
What's with everyone making Green alts? Such ugly little suckers!!!*cough*Cspar/Llaw*cough* With the two of them being so green....I'm kind of scared. I keep having dreams of little green men/women at the foot of my bed...ahhhh!!!! What does the color green stand for anyways?
It's official!!! Putting people on ignore has now become a game. Sittingbull and I spent about an hour last night looking at global and ignoring spamers. I don't think they understand that people can easily put them on ignore, and no one wants to see "14 GOLEM STONES FOR 3K", a hundred times. At the beginning, when people were just developing their spamming skills, it was fun. Cortezz use to spam me with the most pointless things ex. LOLICOPTER, and I know he's done it to at least 100 other people, but the difference between that and global spaming is that Cort's spaming was funny and the spams on global are just really annoying. My ignore went up to 68! But I guess you can't stop attention sluts.
Green People
What's with everyone making Green alts? Such ugly little suckers!!!*cough*Cspar/Llaw*cough* With the two of them being so green....I'm kind of scared. I keep having dreams of little green men/women at the foot of my bed...ahhhh!!!! What does the color green stand for anyways?
Monday, July 24, 2006
Always something...
Some of you know that I've been starting to feel very fed up with some things in EO. When I signed in today and went to guild house in Aevan, where within 5 minutes two members of WOL started to go into me making hearts and stupid comments. When I asked them to move nicely they wouldn't so, I did repeat it with a swear word or two. They then called me a "puta", and went back to "eo rape". The whole thing finished with me putting them on ignore bringing my ignore number to 61.
Here is another few things I really can't stand:
1. Lazy Newbs - When they pm u to ask for money, or for you to train them, or for free items... and they don't even know you. When I started in EO I did everything for myself, so I guess i expect them to do the same, but maybe my expectations are too high.
2. KS'ing - Why can't people share? This is what game play is all about...or at least what it should be all about. I'm sick of friends ks'ing friends. (By the way, if someone does ks me I will do my best to ks them. I am not gone sit back and watch as they steel all my kills and then do it agian to someone else. I will try my best to teach them a lesson)
3. Blocking - All I have to say to that is WTF?! Don't do it! (And I will be the first one to admitt that I have done it before but only to people who either flamed me or flamed someone I was friends with, and I WILL NOT BE A PART OF IT ANYMORE!!!)
*These are just the opinions of one leader and they do not reflect the opinions of any other leaders.
On a happy note:
Sittingbull has leveled to 18!!! Congratulations!!! Top 100 here you come!
Some of you know that I've been starting to feel very fed up with some things in EO. When I signed in today and went to guild house in Aevan, where within 5 minutes two members of WOL started to go into me making hearts and stupid comments. When I asked them to move nicely they wouldn't so, I did repeat it with a swear word or two. They then called me a "puta", and went back to "eo rape". The whole thing finished with me putting them on ignore bringing my ignore number to 61.
Here is another few things I really can't stand:
1. Lazy Newbs - When they pm u to ask for money, or for you to train them, or for free items... and they don't even know you. When I started in EO I did everything for myself, so I guess i expect them to do the same, but maybe my expectations are too high.
2. KS'ing - Why can't people share? This is what game play is all about...or at least what it should be all about. I'm sick of friends ks'ing friends. (By the way, if someone does ks me I will do my best to ks them. I am not gone sit back and watch as they steel all my kills and then do it agian to someone else. I will try my best to teach them a lesson)
3. Blocking - All I have to say to that is WTF?! Don't do it! (And I will be the first one to admitt that I have done it before but only to people who either flamed me or flamed someone I was friends with, and I WILL NOT BE A PART OF IT ANYMORE!!!)
*These are just the opinions of one leader and they do not reflect the opinions of any other leaders.
On a happy note:
Sittingbull has leveled to 18!!! Congratulations!!! Top 100 here you come!
HOJ Leaders
In alphabetical order:
Asmodius - Hand of Serenity
Cinnamonn - Hand of Charity
Cspar - Hand of Kindness
Destpaul - Hand of Honor
Katalla - Hand of Chaos
Llaw - Hand of Death
Maiveflynn - Hand of Patience
Rolad - Hand of Wisdom
These are the people you go to if you have any internal or external problems. We will do our best to help you out.
PS. The leader titles describe the personality of the leader, and are strangely accurate. (ooooo....scary)
In alphabetical order:
Asmodius - Hand of Serenity
Cinnamonn - Hand of Charity
Cspar - Hand of Kindness
Destpaul - Hand of Honor
Katalla - Hand of Chaos
Llaw - Hand of Death
Maiveflynn - Hand of Patience
Rolad - Hand of Wisdom
These are the people you go to if you have any internal or external problems. We will do our best to help you out.
PS. The leader titles describe the personality of the leader, and are strangely accurate. (ooooo....scary)
A New HOJ Blog...
Welcome to the HOJ Blog. I have decided to post a blog because I think it would be fun to share HOJ/EO news/gossip with everyone in HOJ. I'd like to post HOJ accomplishments, level up's, and any other interesting tid bit's you all might have to offer.
I hope you all enjoy this and will find it somewhat interesting. Comments are always welcome!!!
Welcome to the HOJ Blog. I have decided to post a blog because I think it would be fun to share HOJ/EO news/gossip with everyone in HOJ. I'd like to post HOJ accomplishments, level up's, and any other interesting tid bit's you all might have to offer.
I hope you all enjoy this and will find it somewhat interesting. Comments are always welcome!!!
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