Saturday, October 28, 2006

Endless Fun.. (no pun intended)
I haven't been in EO a lot..I seem to only go on if the CO server is down. Oursavior, Diceroller, Whoops, Zzahra, Xiavi, and Blackharu have been enjoying the world of Conquer. But to show you what we've been doing here are some pics.
This is my fave pic. How cute is that?!? That's Sav and I in his new house. We had to relax cause we both had a rough day. Whoops and I were chillin and killin bandits. Oh!! we were fisting them for like a good hour. It was the funniest thing. Ok ..I while I was taking care of the monsters, Whoops was taking a nap.Today Diceroller went blacknamed and was thrown in jail.(means he pk'd too many people) Thane helped him get out but in a matter of minutes Dicey was back in jail.

People just wont stop pk'ing. It's so hilarious!!!(that's Dice in jail btw)Everything seemed to be going wrong for Dice today. He ended up in the middle of nowhere. LMAOAfter Sav politely (lol) told Dice to relog dice came back and found himself not only in the middle of nowhere but also stuck up a tree.

We'll miss you Dicey!!! LMFAO

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Total Ownage!!!

I haven't been in EO a lot... well that's because I've been having so much fun in CO. Sorry all!! It's been one adventure after another. If it's not the guys completely owning eachother it's them starting pk'ing wars. (it's been fun).. I got killed a couple of times for either being in Outcasts, but I think it's mostly for being Sav's wifey.

One of the funniest days recently was when Whoops and I decided to train at Sandmonsters. These things are like level 68, and both Whoops and I are way below that. (ok me not so much and he's catching up rather quickly). We both must have died like 30 times. It was so freaking funny. I was laughing so bad that I kept dying. Well anyways here are some pics to prove it.
This is us staring out. Yeah we're so tough!!
....and we died....

We so thought we had this one..... but we died.

That day was too funny. I couldn't stop laughing. I'm sure there's plenty more fun days to come since we're all growing in level and soon will be able to own the best of them.

Kya made me a new character. Katiri is a level 34 Troj. She dosen't kick ass yet but she will soon. I'm a level 63 now, and omg I cant wait to be at least 75.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

EO - V 26 is out!!

After months of waiting v26 is out, and it's totaly HOT! hehe I'm so enjoying myself. Everything (almost) is so new. The quests are great, cause even if you have absolutely nothing to do you could do that. The clothes are so smexy! I love em... ty Vult! I'm sure you made a lot of girls happy with those... hold on! The boys are definatelly enjoing them too!
Sav and I traveling to a distant desert on a quest to find some book or something (haven't finished it yet). If only you could see what I'm sreaming out..."I'm the queen of the world!!!"This is me running for my dear life, and I did die very quickly after that.
This one is a funny one. Raronken and I were sitting on the bridge (trying to cause a traffic jam) when some guy walked into me and started blowing hearts and making noises. So I told him his d*ck is too small, so he stormed off, but some other guy started lecturing us on how only 5 " matter..0.0 Well I haven't had such a good laugh in a while.

CO - Too much fun

The thing I love about CO is that it's a different sort of fun from EO. Many things are the same like the guilds, marriages, and sometimes the drama, but what is different is that there's pk, and when someone helps you level it does not influence their experience at all. So players are much more willing to help one another.

Today I had fun. I leveled to 56. Finally!! I thought it would never happen. By tomorrow morning I plan to be 57 (cause then I can get my new outfit). Kya "upscalled" my bow, so now it's super hot. Kya was helping me yesterday for most of the time I was in CO, we were killing bandits cause I need to earn some money. He kicks ass! Kya you're awesome, thank you again.
Diceroller got in some trouble today. High level players were accusing him of murder! He had some level 119 Archer scraming at him. Awww poor Dicey =( ...always taking the blame. Let's just say is in deep and I mean DEEP doodooo!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

To people that got a little upset...

I put my eo experineces up, things that either made me smile, laugh, or get angry. I don't have to answer to anyone, and especially to what I can and can not post. My opinions, my experiences, my blog.

I can't control what people say to one another. I have said it many times that lies come up. I don't deny anything, and if someone asks me I tell them the truth (although sometimes I'm a little blunt).

Call me a bitch.... that probably I am, but I'm definatelly NOT a home-wrecker. I never denied the past...what would be the point?

Take it as it is... I'm so sick of the bullshit that EO has become. There's nothing more but drama and pointless bickering. I frankly don't care anymore. My friend list is now like 12, and more and more I'm finding reasons (liers) not to come back. Yesterday in CO a friend asked me if CO will ever become my full-time home, and yesterday I said I don't know... Today my answer is "Very Fucking Soon!" (I want to give v.26 a

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A walk down memory lane...

We'll my last couple of days have been shit! Thanks to Josh, Zzahra, and Llaw for being there for me. It means a lot when there's someone there to listen. I didn't realize how much I actually needed it. Friends who I thought would be there for me when I needed them turned out to not give a shit...oh well =( ... makes me so sad but at least I know now that they don't care.

So to cheer myself up I went through about 900 screenies (that's only bout half the screenies I have...I got lazy, and besides these are the only have 900 of Kat). So here they are...

Some of them are hilarious so look at them closely,

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Merge?

Well no not really, but it is like it anyways. Has no one else noticed that SAV men are married to TMG women? I think it's too HOT!! We got Raronken and Zzahra, Highlands and Bellajar, and we got me and Oursavior (I have an alt in TMG, so I still count..hehe). Too freakn cute!!!

Something even cuter? High and Bella. My baby bro finally tied the knot with someone I like. Bella is too awesome. Love ya girl!!! (and yay...I have a baby sister in law).

P.S. I know some of you retards have nothing better to do but start rummors, so I'll say it once again cause you seem to be unable to understand a simple idea. Stay the fuck away from peoples lives, don't stick your noses where they don't belong, and try to be happy for people.