Conquer OnlineSince so many of you enjoyed the pics from CO, I thought I'd show a few more.

That's Sav with his special ability to become a robot. As a Trojan you get to have a powerful robot which you can level.
There's my special ability. I as an Archor get to fly. At level 107 I get wings, I seriously cant wait. lol
We were invited to Kya's house (yes you are able to own houses and buy furniture for it). This is Dicey and I chillin in the tub. (Ok, ok, Dice, Sav, Kya, and Corrupt were in hiding cause they pk'd like 4 different guilds, and had to leave our guild before Pytheas (leader, and awesome guy) and Ket find out, because the 2 of them are going to completely own the four of them)

That's us all chillin on the bed at Kya's house. I'm underneith everyone and Corrupt didn't want to join in so she sat besied. On the bed we have Kya (in white hair), Sav(black hair), Dicey (purple hair), and I'm actually underneith Sav's and Dicey's legs.
Well this one I'm putting in cause I thought it was cute.
Well good hunting to everyone, whether it is on EO, MS, CO, or any other game out there. I think more of you should join CO. It's seriously a blast.
P.S. I accidently pk'd someone today and O M G, I got killed so quickly it was funny. I got pk'd a couple of times. I'm finally able to kill things. And I'm level 40 now.